
I want my KAJU KATLI. Do you?

An off the topic post on Code 2 Learn, as KAJU KATLI made me go WOW!!. 

You all might be thinking why am I referring to KAJU KATLI and why am I saying "I want my KAJU KATLI"

A friend of mine, who is an entrepreneur, a blogger and a creative genius did some research on Google's Android OS naming convention. We all at Code 2 Learn are very aware of the naming conventions in programming languages, but we never noticed that Google also follows a certain pattern to name its Android OS. 

For example :

IceCream Sandwich
Jelly Bean

So they started from C and have followed the all English alphabets after that, so now is the turn for K and Kaju Kalti also starts with K, so what better name than Kaju Kalti was his thought.

And having an android phone and being called as an Honeycomb user,  IceCream Sandwich user or a Jelly Bean user, this idea of being called a KAJU KATLI Android user made be go crazy. KAJU KALTI (all Indians would know) is one of the most popular, most loved and most consumed sweets in INDIA. Though the name doesn't sounds that attractive but as the saying goes, "never judge a book by its cover".

So if you want to have your own KAJU KATLI Android OS and want to be called as KAJU KATLI User, then do support this campaign by tweeting with #KAJUKATLI or you can directly go to the below link and support. 

me and my KAJU KALTI



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