Guys if u have seen the moving of pictures on pressing a key in FB , FLICKR etc. Can also be done by you all now.
The code for Handling the keyboard button press etc is shown below
The code for Handling the keyboard button press etc is shown below
document.onkeydown = keyHit;var thisPic = 0;function keyHit(evt) {var myPix = new Array("List down your images here (ex. "images/callisto.jpg","images/callisto123.jpg")");var imgCt = myPix.length-1;var ltArrow = 37;var rtArrow = 39;var thisKey;if (evt) {thisKey = evt.which;}else {thisKey = window.event.keyCode;}if (thisKey == ltArrow) {chgSlide(-1);}else {if (thisKey == rtArrow) {chgSlide(1);}}return false;function chgSlide(direction) {thisPic = thisPic + direction;if (thisPic > imgCt) {thisPic = 0;}if (thisPic < 0) {thisPic = imgCt;}document.getElementById("myPicture").src = myPix[thisPic];}}