
Variables and Constants in PL/SQL

This is out first of many tutorial in the PL/SQL series. Today we will be discussing about variables and coonstants in PL/SQL.

PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language to Structured Query Language. We can use PL/SQL in the Oracle relational databases, in Oracle Server, and in client-side application development tools, such as Oracle Forms.

PL/SQL has features such as : 
* Data abstraction
* Data encapsulation
* Object-Orientation
* Exception-handling.

We will be using Oracle 9i, in our tutorials for PL/SQL.


SQL Data Control Language (DCL) Tutorial

After doing tutorials on DML (Data Manipulation Language) and DDL (Data Definition Language), we will be learning about one more language used in SQL called the Data Control Language (DCL).

As we saw in our previous tutorials on SQL, that with the help of DDL we can define tables, databases, views etc in SQL and with the help of DML we can manipulate those existing tables, views etc. So apart from these there are other language(s) like the DCL which help us to give or take rights to a user. 

Basically, DCL is used to create roles, permissions, and referential integrity as well it is used to control access to database by securing it.

The DCL commands that helps in achieving the above are GRANT and REVOKE.

Only Database Administrator's or owner's of the database object can provide/remove privileges on a databse object.


SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) Tutorial

After writing a post on Data Manipulation Language (DML), here is another tutorial in SQL series on DDL i.e. Data Definition Language.

DDL (Data Definition Language) statements are used to build and modify the structure of your tables and other objects in the database. When you execute a DDL statement, it takes effect immediately. Some of the DDL commands are CREATE, ALTER, DROP, USE. 

* Another DDL statement is used to define the referential integrity, which we will see later in the tutorial.


SQL Tutorial on Data Manipulation Language (DML)

After writing a tutorial on SQL Baiscs, long back, here I am writing again on SQL, but this time on DML i.e. Data Manipulation Language.

By the full form of DML we understand that with the help of this we will be able to manipulate data. Now what kind of manipulation can we do might be the next question in your mind, so SQL supports manipulation like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and MERGE


Creating Intricate Animation Effects Using JavaScript / JQuery

This tutorial will provide you with professional flip and rotation effects that can appear to spin an object around to reveal the opposite side or rotate the image. Three different spin effects will be provided as well as a few rotation effects, making this a great way to increase the aesthetic value of your web pages. This method takes two objects and then animates them so that they appear to flip over as if they are attached back to back. It requires these arguments:

id1 : An object or object ID -it may not be an array                            
id2 : An object or object ID - it may not be an array
w : If true or 1, the width will be flipped
: If true or 1, the height will be flipped
msecs : The number of milliseconds the flip should take                
pad : If set, the objects will be padded to retain their overall dimensions during the flip                        


Creating a Basic JDBC application

Today we will be creating a Basic JDBC application i.e. an application that will be able to retrieve information (student_name, roll_no, class, DOB, etc) from the database. I already gave a tutorial on connecting SQL Server using JDBC-ODBC Bridge.

To do the above we will need to make use of the JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver. And also the following task will also be done :

* Create a Data Source Name (DSN)
* Code the Application
* Compile and Execute the Application

And for the first time I will be showing on Code 2 Learn how to compile and run a java program from the command promt.