

Java Graphics Tutorial II - Layouts

In the previous tutorial of Java Graphics, I explained about panels, frames and windows which we can put our items. But we didn't set the layout of the window , panel or frame in our last tutorial, what we did was we used the default layout.

Today in this tutorial we will be understanding about the different types on Layouts that are available for us to use and manipulate our GUI.


Python Tutorials : Data Types - NUMBERS

This Post is about numbers and mathematical operations. In this tutorial we shall be covering data types, operators and type conversion. To represent 'Numbers' in python, we have int, float, complex datatypes. For conditional statements, we have 'Bool' datatype

Type ipython on the Terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T ) to start the interpreter :

$ ipython


Python Tutorial : Installing IPython (Ubuntu)

Hello Guys, Code 2 Learn starts off its Python Tutorial. Like Java, C++, C etc, Python is also a Programming Language. Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language whose design philosophy emphasizes code readability.

IPython provides a rich toolkit to help you make the most out of using Python interactively. Its main components are:

  1. Powerful Python shells (terminal- and Qt-based).
  2. Support for interactive data visualization and use of GUI toolkits.
  3. Flexible, embeddable interpreters to load into your own projects.
  4. Tools for high level and interactive parallel computing.


Java Array tutorial with Examples

After seeing many people having doubt about using arrays (in Java) and how they are stored, when are they created etc. i decide to do a post on Arrays in Java, to give my readers a broader and clear view about Arrays declaration, creation and intialization.

Definition, Arrays are complex variablesthat store a group of values under a single variable name.

Declaring Arrays :

An array is imply a sequence of either objects or primitives, all of the same type and is put together under one identifier name. A specific element in an array is accessed by an index or subscript. The index of the array is in a continuous order whereas all array elements are stored at contiguous memory location.

You can declare arrays of any type, either primitive or class :

char[] s;
Point[] p; // Where Point is a class

In Java Programming language, creates a reference to the array that you can use to refer to an array. The actual memory used by the array element is allocated dynamically either by a new statement or by an array initializer.